This is MAJIN GORONS DragonBall Z Site
Home Page

dragonball sk bios

dragonball images

kool links

dragonball sk stories


leaders and fusions


Carrer and Jobs


Welcome to this new web site i started because i fell i need to make one. i will make it good. i will have lots of images. links to rpgs my favorite of course. the name came from my creation. i have my own series its called dragonball SK s meaning sayain k meaning kindom the main person is goron he is 1/2 sayain and 1/2 human he is the kid of gohan and bra.i will add more people when they e-mail
i will update every week
bebi vegeta
my only pic

check out my dbsk spot
i will write storie when i get a chance these r fake but i like them. e-mail me if u do at
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i will get new images as soon as i can
i cant figure out how to get images like bitmat so im working on it

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