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this all the items i have give me more if u want


  moves kamehame-ha,masenok-ha,final flash,genki dama,kao ken,solar flare,specail beam cannon,fusoin dance,big bang,mouth blast,laser eyes,dragonfist,tri beam,renzoken super dounuts,and basic ones,Frieza Beam,time freeze,multi form, Bukujutsu,Burning Attack,Death Ball,Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball,Henka Beam,Henshin,Destructo Disk,Kikoho,Mind Control,Power Absorbtion,Power Ball,Regeneration,Instant Transmission,Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack,Thunder Claw,Zanzoken

  items senzu beans 100
scouter 500
dragon ball scanner 1000
armor 100
super armor 300
weighted chothing 100
sayain armor 500
namek armor 500
traing clothes 700
space pod 2000
your own island 25000
house 10000 (need an island)
hyperbolic time chamber pass 50000
a pet 2000
Fruit From Tree of Might 70,000
Senzu Bean Bag 1000
ankle weights 250
boots 750